01892 664 444
IT Security Solutions
CNS Deliver outstanding IT security solutions across the South East
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Business Continuity
Why choose CNS as your ongoing IT Support Provider?
Modern businesses have become more and more reliant on their IT systems. Inadequate backup and security can hit a company hard, through lost revenue when a disaster hits. Ensuring your network is secure is essential for any company.
IT backup and security is often an area that is neglected, we often find that companies are dependent on outdated and under strength systems, that do not provide adequate protection.
In order to safeguard your business to the highest standard it is imperative that you implement the
following solutions:
Disaster Recovery
How CNS can help with the Virtualisation of your business
Businesses of all sizes are rapidly adopting virtualisation and achieving significant benefits in a number of areas. Virtualisation is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as an operating system, a server, a storage device or network resources.
By making IT systems less likely to fail, and by making server restoration substantially faster, virtualisation enables business of all sizes to reduce the cost of downtime — in terms of lost productivity, lost sales or damaged reputation. Given most businesses relatively limited preparation for disaster, virtualisation can act as an important insurance policy.